Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I've needed a big old life-transforming project for awhile now. Especially today! For the last few days I've been sidelined by a nasty stomach virus. Eeek. Right now, I'm a bit of a couch potato. But here's my life-transforming plan: For the next 40 days, I will try many of the major journaling interventions studied by psychologists. I’ll be blogging about the tools as well as offering tips and resources so that you can journal with me. I will also report on my progress, letting you know if journaling daily transforms my life.

Here's what the research says journaling is supposed to do:
*Improve memory and sleep
*Boost immune cell activity
*Speed healing after surgery
*Increase general feelings of well being
* Support you in achieving your goals
*Increase longevity

I'm starting with writing2thank. I'll let you know how it goes in a few days. But right now, I'm going back to bed, thankful for indoor plumbing, heat, and a good book!


  1. Can't say enough positive things about the advantages of journaling. It is indeed transformational. And, because there are so many different ways, and places, to use this tool, I don't get (as easily) bored with this as I do with some other disciplines I've tried and laid aside. Great Lenten habit. Thanks, Rochelle, for your continuing creativity.

  2. Thanks, Kathy! Glad to know that journaling has worked so well for you!
